Propolis production and its relation to wax production rate in Apis mellifera beehives
DOI: clave:
controlled matings, propolis collector, weather conditions, wax utilizationResumen
The aim of this work was to determine whether there is any relationship between wax production rate and propolis production. High (P1) and low (P2) propolis-producing hives were chosen in a selection process. Through controlled matings, four different groups of beehives were obtained: D1 hives, originating from the mating of P1 queens and P1 drones; D2 hives, originating from P1 queens and P2 drones; D3 hives, originating from P2 queens and P1 drones; and D4 hives, originating from P2 queens and P2 drones. After 110 days, one frame with wax foundation was put in the center of each hive and the areas that the honeybees drew out the comb were estimated. The propolis can be collected thirty days after placement of the collectors. Propolis is preferentially deposited on the sides of the collector that receive the greatest exposure to sun and wind, mainly in the winter. D1 beehives accumulated five times more propolis than did D2 and D3, and 34 times more than D4. D4 beehives drew out the combs more efficiently, when compared to the D1, D2 and D3 beehives.
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