Performance of Essential Oils of Basil and Melaleuca, with Potential Control of Anthracnose in the Postharvest of Banana Prata


  • Rafael Souza Coimbra SILVA UFRR/CCA
  • Leandro Camargo NEVES UFRR
  • Daniel Augusto SCHURT Embrapa Roraima
  • Antonio Alves MELO FILHO UFRR/CCT
  • Priscila Mayara Rocha LEÃO UFRR/CCA



Musa spp., Colletotrichum musae, Ocimum basilicum, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Prata


This work aimed to identify and evaluate the performances of the essential oils of basil and melaleuca in the control of anthracnose (Colletotrichum musae) in the postharvest of banana. cultivar 'Prata'. The extraction of oils was performed by hydrodistillation technique. Chromatographic analyzes were also carried out to observe the constitution and amount of each component, as well as the in vitro study, in which the inhibition and the speed index of the mycelial growth of the fungus were analyzed. In vivo, the fruits were inoculated with the pathogen in order to know the degree of action of the disease. The characterization of the sensory quality of the fruits was also carried out. At the end, twenty-six chemical constituents were observed in basil and thirteen in melaleuca. In vitro, there was total inhibition of the fungus at doses of 7.5 µL.mL-1 of basil oil and, from 4.5 µL.mL-1, with melaleuca oil. In vivo, basil oil provided a reduction in severity and a delay in incidence in four days. With melaleuca oil, positive results were observed only in severity. As for the effects of oils on fruit quality, their influence was observed with the advancement of ripening. The treatments with the oils promoted high values of firmness, acidity and smaller increments in the color and loss of fresh mass of the fruits, causing a decrease in the speed of ripening of the fruits compared to the control. Thus, the antifungal effects of essential oils in the control of anthracnose in the postharvest of the fruits were verified, as well as the adequate maintenance of the quality of the fruits during storage under uncontrolled conditions of temperature and humidity.

Author Biography

Leandro Camargo NEVES, UFRR

Agricultural engineer, master in food science and technology, doctor in Agronomy prof. Assistant IV, Department of Phytotechnics, Center for Agricultural Sciences


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How to Cite

SILVA, R. S. C.; NEVES, L. C.; SCHURT, D. A.; MELO FILHO, A. A.; LEÃO, P. M. R. Performance of Essential Oils of Basil and Melaleuca, with Potential Control of Anthracnose in the Postharvest of Banana Prata. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 52, p. 23, 2024. DOI: 10.5016/1984-5529.2024.v52.1409. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.