Different substrates and environments in the production of passion fruit seedlings
The substrate has great importance in seedling production. Its choice must be carefully considered, since it can provide the best conditions for seed germination and seedling development. This study evaluates which light and substrate favor the production of good quality passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, in Cruz das Almas city, Bahia State, Brazil. The design was completely randomized, in a 4x5 factorial scheme, with four substrates: 1) Soil; 2) Soil + NPK (N: 100 kg ha-1; P: 100 kg ha-1; and K: 50 kg ha-1); 3) Soil + cattle manure (3:1); and 4) Soil + cattle manure (3:1) + NPK (N: 100 kg ha-1; P: 100 kg ha-1; and K: 50 kg ha-1), and five light conditions: (1) ChromatiNet® red shade net; 2) Blue shade net (Polysack Plastic Industries); 3) Thermo-reflective Aluminet® shade net; 4) Black shade net; and 5) Full sun. Seedlings were collected after 60 days, and plant growth was analyzed. Seedlings grown under the thermo-reflective mesh with the substrate soil + cattle manure had the highest leaf dry mass. The best conditions to produce passion fruit seedlings are: soil + cattle manure and soil + cattle manure + NPK, using thermo-reflective and red shade nets and the full sun environment.
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