Performance of basil cultivars influenced by seasonal variation
biomass, Ocimum basilicum L., autumn/winter, spring/summerAbstract
The production of phytomass and the content of active ingredients of medicinal plants depend on climatic conditions. Brazil has large territorial extension presenting particularities of soil and climate in each region that may interfere either positively or negatively in plant development. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the growing season on the performance of basil cultivars in Londrina municipality, Parana State, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block in a 17 x 2 factorial scheme with five replications, with 17 basil commercial cultivars and two growing seasons (Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer). The evaluations occurred when 50% of the plants in the experimental area started flowering. For each collection, plant height, leaf dry mass, and shoot dry mass were evaluated. Leaf dry mass values for the Autumn/Winter growing season ranged from 2.97 to 6.90 g plant-1 and from 7.34 to 14.67 g plant-1 in Spring/Summer. Basilicão cultivar showed the best development during both growing seasons in Londrina municipality.
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