Growth and nutrient uptake by Explorer Hybrid of watermelon
nutrient accumulation, C. lanatus. (Tunberg) Matsumara and Nakai, plant nutrition, sustainabilityAbstract
This study aimed to characterize the phenology and nutrient throughout the crop cycle and to propose the nutritional management of the Explorer watermelon hybrid. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications. The evaluations were at (20, 34, 48, 62, 76, 90 and 104 days). The length of the main stem, the numbers of stems and leaves, the fresh and dry mass, the plant nutrient accumulation and the extraction and export of nutrients were evaluated. At harvest, there was an average increase in the length of the main stem (430.8 cm), in the number of leaves (726) and in the number of secondary stems (46). The fresh and dry mass accumulation was 23706 and 1360 g plant-1 respectively. The sequence of extraction of nutrients verified was: K (132,8 kg ha-1 de K2O) > N (62,7 kg ha-1) > P (22,2 kg ha-1 de P2O5) > Ca (12 kg ha-1) > Mg (7,6 kg ha-1) > S (5,8 kg ha-1) > Mn (194,7 g ha-1) > Fe (182,5 g ha-1) > B (87,8 g ha-1) > Zn (84,9 g ha-1) Cu(35,4 g ha-1).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Humberto Sampaio ARAÚJO, Carolina Cinto MORAES, Paulo Cesar RECO, Gabriel Stefanini MATTAR, Luis Felipe Villani PURQUERIO
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