Residual straw and soybean yield in succession to oat, wheat and triticale grown in crop-livestock integration system
pastejo, plantio direto, palhada residual, soja, produtividadeResumo
The use of oat, wheat, and triticale in crop-livestock integration system presupposes adequate grazing to permit the recovery of biomass for the direct seeding, without interfering with the productivity of soybean crop in succession. The objective of this study was to investigate the residual straw of oat IPR 126, wheat BRS Tarumã and triticale IPR 111, submitted or not to one and two grazings and the effects on the agronomic characteristics and grain yield of soybean in the growing seasons 2012/2013 and 2013/2014. The experiment was conduced using an experimental design with randomized block in a split block scheme, and four replications. In the treatment with a grazing with 0.15 m residue height, crops provide adequate production of biomass for direct seeding, with no difference in the residual straw in years with adequate rainfall, notwithstanding, in years with water deficit, oat culture produces higher residual straw. The previous winter crops and their managements do not interfere with plant population, thousand-grain weight and grain yield of the soybean.

Arquivos adicionais
- Pagamento da taxa de submissão
- Página de rosto com nomes dos autores
- Comprovante eletrônico CPF via página Min Fazenda
- Palhada residual e produtividade da soja em sucessão a aveia, trigo e triticale cultivado em sistema de integração lavoura pecuária
- Palhada residual e produtividade da soja em sucessão a aveia, trigo e triticale cultivado em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária
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