Occurrence of thrips in lisianthus cultivation at different protected cropconditions


  • Marcia Yamada Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul, Programa de pós graduação em Fitotecnia
  • Simone Mundstock Jahnke Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul, Programa de pós graduação em Fitotecnia
  • Gilmar Schafer Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul, Programa de pós graduação em Fitotecnia
  • Daniele Camargo de Oliveira




Damages caused by thrips (Thysanoptera) are a constant concern in greenhouse. In lisianthus, Eustomagrandiflorum (Raf.) Shinners (Gentianaceae), it may cause direct and indirect damage. Thrips can affect flowers aesthetics through feeding on their petals. This study aimed at to recording the thrips species associ­ated with lisianthus under protected cultivation, assessing differences in species composition among lisianthus cultivars and among different growing conditions. The experiment was conducted in commercial greenhouses in the “Floricultura Florist” company, municipality of DoisIrmãos, RS state. The experiment was conducted from January to February 2013, comparing four cultivars with different colors (Marina, Orange Flash, Tu 668 and Ace White) and two greenhouses with structural differences. Each flower bed (25mx1m) containing one cultivar (treatment) was divided into 5 plots in which 10 plants were randomly selected and evaluated from the opening of the first floral bud until the cut of the flowers. The most common thrips species were Frankliniellaschultzei and F. occidentalis. The different growing conditions influenced the amount and composition of thrips species collected. There was variation in the average number of thrips gathered from cultivated varieties. This paper presents the first record of thrips species on E. grandiflorum in greenhouse of Brazil.


Biografia do Autor

Marcia Yamada, Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul, Programa de pós graduação em Fitotecnia

Mestre em Fitotecnia

Entomologia Agrícola

Simone Mundstock Jahnke, Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul, Programa de pós graduação em Fitotecnia

Depto de Fitossanidade

Entomologia Agricola

Controle biologico

Gilmar Schafer, Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul, Programa de pós graduação em Fitotecnia

Subárea: Fitotecnia

Produção de Mudas




Como Citar

YAMADA, M.; JAHNKE, S. M.; SCHAFER, G.; OLIVEIRA, D. C. de. Occurrence of thrips in lisianthus cultivation at different protected cropconditions. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 44, n. 3, p. 326–332, 2016. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2016v44n3p326-332. Disponível em: http://cientifica.org.br/index.php/cientifica/article/view/898. Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.



Fitossanidade - Crop Protection

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