Teor de óleo e estabilidade fenotípica para rendimento de grãos em cultivares de amendoim
This study aimed to evaluate the oil content and estimate the phenotypic stability and adaptability parameters for grain yield in twelve peanut cultivars. The experiment was carried out in 21 different localities in Paraná State, during the dry and rainy seasons of the agricultural year 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications and plots consisting of four rows of 4m with a population of 16 plants per meter. After maturation, the plots were harvested and grain yield was converted to kg ha-1 and corrected to 10 % moisture. The oil content (%) was measured by the ether extract method. Significant effects for cultivars, environments (combination of years, seasons and locations) and G x E interaction was detected for grain yield and oil content in the peanut seeds. The cultivars BRS 151-L7, IAC Tatuí, BRS Havana, IAC Poitara, IAC Oirã and IAC Tupã showed the highest oil content in the grains. Stability and adaptability was estimated for the characteristic grain yield. The cultivars Runner IAC 886 and IAC Caiapó showed specific adaptation to adverse environments, while IAPAR 25 Tição and IAC Tupã to showed specific adaptation to favorable environments.IAC Tatu ST was more stable and Tégua was less stable.
Additional keywords: Adaptability; Arachis hypogaea L.; peanut improvement.
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