Quality indicators of soybean conventional and cross-seeding


  • Murilo Aparecido Voltarelli Universidade estadual paulista
  • Rouverson Pereira da Silva Universidade estadual paulista
  • Cristiano Zerbato Universidade estadual paulista
  • Vicente Filho Alves Silva Universidade estadual paulista
  • Carla Segatto Strini Paixão Universidade estadual paulista,




The studies on the spatial arrangement of plants in cross-seeding soybean system are scarce, and then needed to check if this seeding system has higher quality compared to conventional. In this context, the aimed of this study was to evaluate the quality of cross-seeding soybeans compared to conventional, through statisti­cal process control. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural area of Jaboticabal - SP, using a mecha­nized set tractor-seeder precision with spacing of sowing row set to 0.45 m, and the experimental design com­pletely randomized with 30 repetitions for treatment in conventional sowing and soybean cross. The variables or assessed quality indicators consisted of longitudinal distribution of seeds (normal spacing, defective and double) and final seedling stand. Soybean crop quality indicators are essential to carry out the monitoring of variability and factors that influence the operation. The normal spacing feature is outside the control limits, both for conventional sowing, and for cross-seeding in the main line.


Additional keywords: control charts; Glycine max; variability. 

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Como Citar

VOLTARELLI, M. A.; SILVA, R. P. da; ZERBATO, C.; SILVA, V. F. A.; PAIXÃO, C. S. S. Quality indicators of soybean conventional and cross-seeding. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 43, n. 4, p. 309–315, 2015. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2015v43n4p309-315. Disponível em: http://cientifica.org.br/index.php/cientifica/article/view/628. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Engenharia Rural/Agrícola - Rural/Agricultural Engineering

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