Vegetative propagation of lemon balm on different substrates


  • Rafael Santiago da Costa Unilab
  • Letícia Kenia Bessa de Oliveira Unilab
  • Ingrid Kethyane Beserra Holanda Unilab
  • Maria de Fatima Barbosa Coelho UFMT
  • Aiala Vieira Amorim Unilab



The production of seedlings by cutting is influenced by several factors, among them the type of substrate. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different substrates on the vegetative propagation of lemon balm (Lippia alba). The experiment was carried out during the period from August to October 2014, in the municipality of Redenção, Ceará. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five treatments:  T1 = soil, T2 = soil + bovine manure (2:1, v:v), T3 = soil + earthworm humus (2:1, v:v), T4 = soil + plant organic mat­ter (2:1, v:v), T5 = soil + bovine manure + earthworm humus + plant organic matter (2:1:1:1, v:v:v:v) and five repli­cates. Apical herbaceous branches were used to produce the cuttings, with the cutting being done in polystyrene trays. After a period of 35 days, the cuttings were removed from the trays and the number of leaves and shoots, length of root and shoot, fresh and dry mass of the cuttings were evaluated. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and, subsequently, when significant by F test, to the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability for comparison of means. It was observed that all the evaluated variables had a significant influence of the types of substrates used, with emphasis on treatments soil + bovine manure + earthworm humus + plant organic matter and soil + bovine manure, in which the cuttings showed better responses. Since these substrates are efficient, they are indicated for the production of L. alba seedlings by cutting.




Como Citar

COSTA, R. S. da; OLIVEIRA, L. K. B. de; HOLANDA, I. K. B.; COELHO, M. de F. B.; AMORIM, A. V. Vegetative propagation of lemon balm on different substrates. Científica, Dracena, SP, v. 45, n. 4, p. 392–397, 2017. DOI: 10.15361/1984-5529.2017v45n4p392-397. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.



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